RepairDesk is built to automate the whole process of repair shops and to streamline their daily activities
to give you greater peace of mind. This includes keeping track of repair jobs, managing inventory,
making smarter decisions and so much more. RepairDesk provides complete transparency at every
stage, starting from the moment the item is initially dropped off for repair, to when it is picked up.
RepairDesk is a SaaS-based integrated POS & ERP software designed specifically for the repair industry so that owners can focus primarily on growing their business and worry less about paperwork. RepairDesk allows users to keep track of items for repair, set deadlines, assign employees specific repair tasks, save customer information, collect deposits, print repair tickets, and manage invoices and receipts. The idea is to maximize efficiency, from the time a customer walks in, to when they return to pick up their device. RepairDesk also notifies employees when certain supplies are running low, and gives detailed analytics that help businesses anticipate demand. Interested businesses can request a demo or sign up directly from our website. We currently offer 3 plans for businesses – Lite, Pro, and Advanced, depending on the specific needs, the amount of employees and the number of stores a business operates.
Achieving his degree in Finance, Usman Butt, the CEO and founder of RepairDesk, was eager to be a
successful entrepreneur. He started his career in a software development company and learned more
about the industry and consumer demand. Once he was ready, he started his own little firm and
successfully ran it for many years. However, Usman’s ambition to achieve big and do more drove him
further to pursue greater opportunities!
At the time, his brother was running a cell phone retail shop in Australia. He always expressed his
concerns to Usman, of not managing routine tasks of his shop efficiently. There were a couple of point-
of-sale software for cell phone repair shops at the time, but they weren’t user-friendly nor according to
the consumer’s needs. Thus, Usman realized that there should be an automated software for cell phone
repair management which would be full of powerful features, while at the same time being user-friendly
and bug-free. That’s where the idea of RepairDesk originated.
RepairDesk Team conducted a survey of more than 200 existing repair shops across the globe. They
succeeded in confirming their initial idea – that almost every small business owner was not using any
reliable automated software to keep track of repair jobs and inventory. On that day, the team set a
singular unshakeable objective – to build a software for cell phone repairs shops that streamlines their
daily activities, takes care of inventory, and provides complete transparency to the whole process.
RepairDesk currently powers hundreds of cell phone repair shops around the world. Most of our
customers reside in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Italy, France and other European countries. We
work with our customers to help them automate the whole repair management process and grow their
Our SaaS-based platform RepairDesk caters exclusively to repair shops in general. There are thousands
of repair shops looking for a more effective way to manage their business, and our software provides
them just that. Most common complaints revolve around scattered data, unnecessary delays, and
technical errors. RepairDesk, with a team of experts in software and management, has set out to resolve
these particular pain points of repair shops. From inventory management to an easy ticketing system,
we have got it all covered.
Running any doubts? Come and sign up for a DEMO and see it for yourself.